Geography Insights: FI - KYM

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

13Home Players
65All Players
124Winner WPPRs
437Total WPPRs
161Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
9%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
20%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call FI - KYM home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in FI - KYM:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in FI - KYM:
57383007 Launch Party 2023-01 Traveler 17.26 31
45177Godzilla launch party 2021-11 WPPRtunist 16.27 29
47000Not Today Open 2022-02 WPPRtunist 14.62 25
48761 Not Today Either Open 2022-04 WPPRtunist 13.87 24
48762Kouvostoliitto Kickback 2022-02 2022-04 WPPRtunist 12.06 25
47001Kouvostoliitto Kickback 2022-01 2022-02 WPPRtunist 11.70 25
43777The Mandalorian launch party 2021-10 WPPRtunist 11.00 21
45178Kouvostoliitto Kickback side tou 2021-11 WPPRtunist 10.33 24
45879Kouvostoliitto Kickback Xmas Edi 2021-12 Mixed Persona 9.14 22
45880Kouvostoliitto Kickback side tou 2021-12 Mixed Persona 7.96 22

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in FI - KYM:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
154Ari Sovijärvi 1218 WPPRtunist 64.08 8
63153Riku Malin 885 WPPRtunist 59.05 9
37657Markus Virtanen 22 WPPRtunist 34.09 7
22542Luukas Marttinen 99 WPPRtunist 31.60 8
1118Timo Valkonen 1881 WPPRtunist 24.16 10
13423Joonas Haverinen 488 WPPRtunist 19.65 3
14909Mika Marttinen 254 WPPRtunist 16.30 8
20914Juho Suontama 635 WPPRtunist 13.47 5
14906Tuukka Suontama 862 WPPRtunist 12.99 3
1134Roni Valkonen 1101 WPPRtunist 11.91 8
1116Juha Iijalainen 989 WPPRtunist 11.48 4
56063Kalle Mattila 2403 WPPRtunist 10.95 2
65501Tomi Elo 1354 WPPRtunist 10.00 7
30817Topi Ahonen 301 WPPRtunist 9.40 5
56062Jasu Koskivirta 2246 WPPRtunist 7.29 6
63892Tomi Ahtiainen 1613 WPPRtunist 7.29 8
56057Veikko Pakkala 994 WPPRtunist 7.00 4
167Tero Malinen 2834 Traveler 6.75 5
71311Mikko Kulmala 515 WPPRtunist 6.63 2
1127Esa Ahtiainen 2869 Traveler 6.53 5
65504Mikko Nurmi 2287 WPPRtunist 5.75 10
1125Mikko Piironen 1939 WPPRtunist 5.47 6
9541Pilvi Salonen 6266 Traveler 5.47 6
37656Tomi Virtanen 2224 WPPRtunist 4.08 8
29111Topi Turtinen 13528 Traveler 4.07 8
8601Teemu Vinnikka 17178 Local Supporter 3.25 2
78091Pauli Lindholm 1430 WPPRtunist 2.95 5
24025Olli Ahtiainen 4605 Traveler 2.52 1
9540Toni Ahonen 1157 WPPRtunist 2.32 6
83617Hannu inkinen 2205 WPPRtunist 2.22 5
82753Santtu Hopeavirta 3512 Traveler 1.83 2
73881Pasi Rantanen 1510 WPPRtunist 1.75 3
85842Joonas Seppänen 17541 Traveler 1.45 5
46769Marko Nyby 2506 Traveler 1.37 2
85843Toivo Suontama 5672 Traveler 1.26 4
86583Chris Cudahy 16566 Local Supporter 1.22 2
38716Jani Väisänen 12812 Traveler 1.21 2
78088Kirsi Karppinen 2864 Traveler 1.17 4
21713Vesa Sovijärvi 24240 One-Timer 1.13 1
33553Juha Viitanen 592 WPPRtunist 1.08 2
81824Juho Pylkkänen 10282 Traveler 0.95 2
17655Mika Salminen 22480 One-Timer 0.95 1
82754Jesse Rämö 4173 Traveler 0.95 4
88326Jalo Suontama 9776 Traveler 0.93 3
82970Pasi Poikonen 3176 Traveler 0.90 2
79877Niklas Elo 9790 Traveler 0.87 5
78129Juha Lehmuskorpi 5222 Traveler 0.86 2
11912Lassi Hasu 27027 Local Supporter 0.78 2
84689eesu lehtola 21874 Traveler 0.74 2
65561Oxana Tarasova 8192 Traveler 0.72 2


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-03-29
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-02-25

Notes and Acknowledgements